The Art and Etiquette of Polyamory

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A Hands-on Guide to Open Sexual Relationships. The idea of open relationships seduces more and more men and women who wish to foster a healthy partnership while maintaining multiple lovers. The Art and Etiquette of Polyamory helps couples who want to better understand, or to begin an exploration of, the emotional, sexual, and intellectual mores of polyamory. Françoise Simpère, an expert in the area of romantic relationships, discusses polyamory and what it involves and describes the practices that make it ethically and emotionally sustainable. This guide provides proposed rules and suggestions on how to keep the love and trust of your partner alive while successfully entertaining other lovers and enjoying the infinite possibilities open relationships have to offer. Couples and individuals interested in entering a polyamorous relationship will be able to use this book as a resource on the art and etiquette of poly-dating, covering a range of questions, including: Should we use a calendar? Can I ask my husband to babysit while I'm with a lover? How can I prioritize my time between two lovers? How can I stave off any jealousy? Through her years of correspondence with couples interested in open relationships and her own personal reflections and experiences, Simpère is convinced that polyamory opens up many possibilities for a gratifying and healthy sex life. 224 Pages Published: February 8, 2011

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